Our Approach

Expert-level company

Expert-level device and material modeling skills
Since 2008, we have been developing our own material modeling algorithms and codes. We thus control and master all aspects of the modeling process starting from atomic physics up to device functionality, passing by material properties.
Our software and our experts have contributed to studies in domains as varied as topological insulators, semiconductor defects, tunnel FETs, new battery technologies and photocatalysts.

Quantum technology modeling expertise
Our team includes quantum-technology experts with several publications in peer-reviewed journals on solid-state quantum computing, quantum control, quantum sensing, and modeling of hardware used to implement qubits. In addition to continuously developing and expanding our quantum-hardware design software QTCAD, our team of quantum experts is frequently involved in R&D collaborations, co-development, technical report preparation, and contract research related to quantum-technology topics.

HPC expertise
Atomistic modeling is computationally expensive and it relies heavily on advanced algorithms and parallel implementation to solve large scale, realistic materials and devices. Our team counts several scientific computing experts working to optimize our codes so you can take advantage of the latest HPC platforms to break computational barriers and move research forward.