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QTCAD® version 1.3 is now available!

February 7th, 2025

A new version of QTCAD® has just been released!

We are happy to release a new update to QTCAD®, which should please our users and current testers with some new features and improvements.

Main updates and new features in this version 1.3.0 are the following:

  • Implemented new solver using the nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism and self-consistent NEGF-Poisson algorithms to compute the nonequilibrium quantum statistics, electric potential, and charge density in two-probe devices (e.g. field-effect transistors with source and drain) under nonequilibrium conditions (e.g. finite drain-source voltage), as well as to calculate electric current in both classical transport (e.g. thermionic emission above a potential barrier) and quantum transport (e.g. tunneling under a potential barrier) in the ballistic regime.
  • New tutorials for the calculation of tunnel coupling and exchange interaction strength in a double quantum dot in a generic fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) geometry.
  • Improved linecutting algorithm underpinning the WKB solver for the calculation of tunneling rates in the master equation solver for transport in the sequential tunneling regime. The new linecutting algorithm is faster, and offers better treatment of discontinuities at interfaces between materials.
  • Added MKL support leading up to 20% acceleration of the Poisson and Schrödinger solvers.


Once again, we thank all our users and partners very much for their trust!

To join the QTCAD® community, simply create your user account on our portal and download the tool to test it:

The online documentation has been updated, you will find all the information on this new version here: QTCAD 1.3 — QTCAD 1.3 documentation (

The fresh piece of news from last week saw the inauguration of Espace Quantique 1 new facilities in Sherbrooke where we have our new offices within the Sherbrooke Innovation Zone, a rich ecosystem connected to other key players in the rapidly emerging local and international quantum industry!

More exciting news will follow soon for our subscribers closely following the development of QTCAD.

Follow us on LinkedIn and on X! Thank you very much for your interest and continued support.


Nanoacademic’s Quantum Technology team in charge of QTCAD.