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QTCAD® version 1.4 is now available!

February 7th, 2025

A new version of QTCAD® has just been released!


We are excited to release a new update to QTCAD®, which should please our users, current testers and other spin-qubit community members with some new features and improvements.

As shown below, we focused mainly but not mostly on users’ needs and experience with many small improvements for a better usage of QTCAD®.

Main updates and new features in this version 1.4.0 are the following:

  • Support for point charges in adaptive-mesh linear and non-linear Poisson solvers, allowing realistic quantitative modeling of technological defects (such as single dopants) in quantum devices.
  • A new tutorial presenting a study of the impact of a point charge on the electronic structure of a double quantum dot in a generic Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator (FD-SOI) device.
  • Support for the latest Gmsh-compatible mesh (.msh4) and geometry (.xao) formats. The .xao format is appropriate for CAD models produced using the OpenCASCADE geometry kernel of Gmsh, thus improving compatibility of QTCAD with fully general OpenCASCADE geometries.
  • Several new features that significantly improve the quality of life of QTCAD users, such as:
    • A new function for convenient extraction of quantum-dot geometry parameters (average position and size).
    • The possibility to set boundary conditions on all the surfaces that wrap around a given region (Gmsh physical volume).
    • A new method of the Junction class that allows computing the WKB tunneling matrix elements.
    • More complete log files including useful information such as computation time for each solver iteration, total simulation time, boundary conditions, version number, and links to the documentation and customer support services.


Once again, we thank all our users and partners very much for their trust!

To join the QTCAD® community, simply create your user account on our portal and download the tool to test it:

The online documentation has been updated, you will find all the information on this new version here: QTCAD 1.4 — QTCAD 1.4 documentation (

Link to the latest QTCAD brochure: CLICK HERE

We will be present at the ICPS 2024 conference in Ottawa this summer and at the SiQEW 2024 in Davos in September to present and discuss our quantum design software solutions: let’s meet there!

More exciting news will follow soon for our subscribers closely following the development of QTCAD. Please follow us on LinkedIn and on X!

Thank you very much for your interest and continued support.


Nanoacademic’s Quantum Technology team in charge of QTCAD.