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Solid-State Electronics Journal Paper featuring QTCAD (Volume #204, June 2023, 108626)

October 12th, 2024
Scientific Paper

QTCAD featured in international paper "Understanding conditions for the single electron regime in 28 nm FD-SOI quantum dots: Interpretation of experimental data with 3D quantum TCAD simulations"

Dear QTCAD community and quantum technology developers,

We are proud to be published again in the selective and international Solid-State Electronics journa featuring new results obtained with QTCAD.

In this article, we have used our tool QTCAD® to study Coulomb blockade physics in a first-generation #stmicroelectronics 28 nm FD-SOI quantum dot #device and explained why the single-electron regime was impeded during experiments.  This work induced constructive review of the system architecture which will prepare grounds for a next generation of improved quantum-dot devices opening up for #future #quantumcomputers.

This new paper continues the previous work started last year with our partners from Institut quantique – Université de SherbrookeSTMicroelectronics FranceCNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes, and further validates the predictive performance of our software QTCAD® within an R&D environment involving advanced and qualified #semiconductor technology.

Stay tuned for the next QTCAD® #software release (v1.2) which will include streamlined and accelerated workflows for the calculation of lever arm matrices and charge stability diagrams in double quantum dot systems, and more!

Free access (online and PDF) link to the article: Click here to access the direct link to the online article and downloadable PDF file.

Thank you and congrats to the team of authors:
Dr. Ioanna Kriekouki, Dr. Félix Beaudoin, Dr. Pericles Philippopoulos, Dr. Chenyi Zhou, Dr. Julien Camirand Lemyre, Dr. Sophie Rochette, Dr. Claude Rohrbacher , Pr. Salvador Mir, Pr. Manuel J. Barragan, Pr. Michel Pioro-Ladrière, Pr. Philippe Galy.